
2012年9月15日 星期六

iPhone 5 Vs IPhone 4 有何不同?


iPhone 5,歷來最薄、最輕、最快的 iPhone 誕生了。iPhone 5 薄僅 7.6 毫米,僅重 112 克1。比 iPhone 4S 薄 18﹪,輕 20﹪ 。iPhone 5 的機背以 6000 系電鍍鋁製造,即 Apple 手提電腦所採用的物料,並於正面及底部鑲嵌陶瓷玻璃   iSight 鏡頭的表面如玻璃清澈,但它並非以玻璃製造。實際上它是藍寶石水晶,硬度在透明物料中僅次於鑽石。換句話說,鏡頭表面更加不易被刮花。


iPhone 5 還是在上一代智能手機 iPhone 4S 的硬體規格基礎上做了一系列的變動,具體則包括以下圖表 :

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2012年9月5日 星期三

Dexim -Monster Truck


Dexim Monster Truck 

Model: DXA013B3

·Wirelessly control the dexim RC vehicle from your Apple device 
·Includes a custom-built RF Transmitter, placing 360 degrees of excitement in the user’s palm.
·Choose between a traditional touch sensor and the revolutionary gravity sensor. 
·Tilt your device forward, backwards, right, or left to control in gravity sensor mode) 
·Multiplayer mode provides users with the option to race their RC vehicles with friends.
·Three (3) preset stations allow you to automatically ZigZag, Spin or Dance your vehicle to music
·Control the speed of your device
·Easy to use and fun to drive indoors and outdoors.

Dexim- Moster  Truck    Black/Red Color   

Compatibility: compatible with iPad 2, iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone3GS/3G,iPod touch 4G, 3G, 2G (iOS4.0 or later).

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2012年9月4日 星期二

iPhone 5 內藏NFC晶片, 支援電子錢包


讚好, Like Us

近日網絡再流傳懷疑是Apple iPhone 5的電子組件相片,有關組件屬於機身面組板,其頂部位置有一塊正方形的晶片,根據網上博客分析, 該晶片應為NFC晶片, 是一種支援電子錢包的技術, 即消費者持蘋果 iPhone 5即可刷卡消費。Google Microsoft微軟 已先後推出NFC的交易技術。估計NFC技術將會今年由蘋果iPhone 5帶起, 電子錢包和數字航空票務技術普及。


蘋果今年6月時推出了Passbook蘋果表明PassbookiOS 6的標誌性特徵之一。這款應用時一款全
新的本地應用,將內置於今年秋季將推出的iPhone 5的作業系統上。Passbook擁有一個卡片式界面,用於顯示用戶的個人資訊。例如,用戶將自己登機牌的資訊保存在Passbook中,如果航班變更登機口,機票就會更新顯示這些資訊,用戶將收到一份相關的通知。Passbook還將配有地理定位技術,該技術將依據用戶所在位置,自動為用戶彈出合適的虛擬卡片。例如,當用戶去星巴克和咖啡時,一個星巴克商店的虛擬卡片將出現在用戶的手機上。

2012年8月31日 星期五

Samsung 強勢發佈4核Galaxy Note 2

讚好, Like Us
氣勢強勁的三星昨日在德國柏林正式推出GALAXY Note 2智能手機。該機屏幕升級至5.5英寸,並採用了1.6GHz四核處理器以及3100mAh超大容量電池,而電容觸控筆S Pen更在功能方面有多項更好的升級。
三星GALAXY Note 2配備5.5英寸HD Super AMOLED高清炫麗屏,並擁有1.6GHz四核處理器以及2GB RAM。支持HSPA+以及LTE網絡,共有16GB、32GB和64GB三種內存版本,並支持可擴展存儲卡。值得一提的是,該機標配了一塊3100mAh電池,在目前主流智能手機範圍中,GALAXY Note 2的電池容量僅次於RAZR MAXX的3300mAh
GALAXY Note 2前置190萬像素攝像頭,支持全高清視頻拍攝。後置800萬像素攝像頭 , 並擁有一系列出色的功能,如好友照片分享、急速連拍和完美拍攝等功能,這與剛出不久的GALAXY S3保持了相同的拍照水準。此外,用戶也可以通過S Pen在照片上添加手寫備忘錄對照片進行個性化處理。
為了提供完美的手握感,新的S Pen更長、更厚並採用了符合人體工程學的設計。全新S Pen新增Air View懸浮觸控技術,用戶無需真正接觸屏幕即可完成擴展功能。用戶可將筆尖懸停在屏幕上方,直接預覽郵件、S Planner、相冊或視頻。這樣一來用戶不用切換屏幕,在一屏之上便可快速看到更多更具體的信息。

另外一項提升Popup Note,支持用戶在屏幕任意區域即刻以彈窗形式打開S Note。例如,用戶在通話時拿出S PenS Note程序就會自動在屏幕上彈出,用戶就可以迅速記錄信息。而全新的手勢板功能Quick Command讓用戶可以利用S Pen快速激活常用應用程序。用戶在Command pad繪製預置的標示或自己為便捷操作註冊的獨有標示時,就可以快速發送郵件、打電話或搜索地理位置。

根據Dropbox官方透露,之後有機會與三星Galaxy Note II 合作推出高達50GB的線上儲存服務,未來在這項產品將預載Dropbox App,提供使用者能深度整合線上儲存應用。
另外三星 今天正式發佈Galaxy Note II  ,它擁有5.5吋1280×720的Super AMOLED螢幕。四核1.6GHz Exynos 處理器,3100mAh的電池,可通過microSD擴展和2GB RAM。直接使用4.1 Android系統,並對 Samsung 獨有的TouchWiz 桌面進行了優化。!Galaxy Note II 支援21Mbps的WCDMA網絡以及4G LTE網絡。
和上代相比,Galaxy Note II 更加圓了,9.7mm原和只有180g的重量,Galaxy Note II搭配 S Pen 的新功能有 Quick Command 操控、Air View使您能夠懸停你的S筆在螢幕的表面約10mm以上,而手機和S PEN是有識別和反應的,用上來就如滑鼠般。
而POP UP PLAY 現在更可以調整大小的視頻窗口。Galaxy Note II 加入了很多新的創意功能,大家可看看以下視訊瞭解更多。Galaxy Note II 將會在第4季上市,提供灰和白兩色。且會提供LTE和3G 機種,但還未有價錢公佈。 

2012年8月29日 星期三

買Plantronics 行貨耳機-有機會贏取HTC One X 或 One XL

Plantronics 行貨耳機, 可參加Plantronics 行貨夏日獎上賞-有機會贏取HTC One X One XL
至2012年8月31日前,如果在Plantronics 分銷商, 購買任何一款Plantronics 行貨耳機, 再登入 Plantronics HK Facebook 專頁讚好, 填上個人資料後將可免費參加「Plantronics 行貨夏日獎上賞」活動


2012年8月27日 星期一

Maxpower UTP410內置多國插腳-令生活更方便

經常出外工幹或旅遊的人士, 有没有試過因為酒店的電源不適合自己的手提電腦或智能電話, 變得很不方便, 現在有了這個Maxpower UTP410, 所有問題都解決了

這款Maxpower UTP 410 內置多國插腳,適用於 150 多個國家,包括美國加拿大英國中國澳洲紐西蘭等地  |  Power-On LED 顯示  |   防觸電保護設計  |  內置兒童保護安全裝置

設有 USB 2.0 充電接口: 特强 2,100mA x 1 / 1,000mA x 2; +5VDC 輸出,專為 Samsung Galaxy Tab/SII/III、The new iPad/ 2、iPhone 3/3GS/4/4S、iPod (需配合 Apple USB 線使用) 及 Android Smartphone 而特設,同時可充手提電話、藍牙耳機、GPS、PSP/PS Vita、NDS/i、PMP、MP3、數碼相機等數碼產品。

Maxpower UTP410
Maxpower UTP410 內置多國插腳

新證據表明iPhone 5將於9月21日開售

剛收到美國科技博客網站TechCrunch報導,AT&T一名銷售代表透露,該公司所有員工已接到通知,在9月21日至9月30日期間不得休假,而Verizon也採取了類似措施,這也是新一代iPhone(iPhone 5)將於9月21日上市的一個有力証據。


iPhone 5 開售

2012年8月21日 星期二

iPhone 5(新iPhone)將於9月第3週發售

Apple蘋果將預計在9月第3週發售iPhone 5,確定日期可能會在19日到22日之間,這和之前傳蘋果會在9月12日發佈和預購iPhone的日期不謀而合。
此前科技博客網站iMore也有報導,iPhone 5將從9月12日開始接受預購訂單,9月21日開始發貨。
而之前不少傳聞都稱,新iPhone的規格將會配備4寸觸摸屏,除了擁有1GB RAM和超大容量電池外,它還具備nano-SIM卡和19針Dock接口,同時搭載了A6四核處理器。

離發佈新iPhone還有一個月時間,iMore還稱,如果 Apple 同時宣佈推出iPad Mini以及改造後的全尺寸iPad,如果還有新一代iPod nano那麼這就將是 Apple 最緊張的發佈日程之一。
與此同時,目前零售商正在對現有的各種iPhone機型採取降價促銷措施,塔吉特以179美元的價格出售Verizon和AT&T版的iPhone 4S, BESTBUY 則將iPhone 4降價50美元,僅售49美元。Sprint也正以149美元的價格出售iPhone 4S,比正常價格低50美元。與此同時, Apple 零售店也正在悄然降價。

iPhone 5



相信這個發明,一定會為手機, 電動車手提電腦等市場帶來突破性的發展。

2012年8月18日 星期六

Outstanding Scientists develop fast recharging material for lithium-ion batteries

SEOUL, Aug, 13 2012 (Yonhap) 
A group of South Korean scientists has developed a new material for a secondary or rechargeable battery that can be fully recharged in just a matter of minutes, the science ministry said Monday.

The development of such a battery could significantly raise the popularity of electric vehicles whose
lithium-ion batteries currently take hours to recharge, according to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

Conventional batteries use only powdered nanoparticle materials to form a dense, multi-layered structure that can store and give off energy.

The new battery, on the other hand, uses the same type of nanoparticle materials that are first resolved in a solution that contains graphite, which later is carbonized to form a dense network of conductors all throughout the electrodes of the battery, the ministry said.

As a result, all energy-holding particles of the new battery start recharging simultaneously while the same particles in conventional batteries begin recharging in order from the outermost particles to the innermost.

This cuts down on the time needed to recharge the new type of battery to between 1/30 and 1/120 of that of existing rechargeable batteries, according to the ministry.

"The research is especially remarkable in that it overcame limitations of existing lithium-ion batteries," Cho Jae-phil, a professor of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, was quoted as saying.

"We will further move closer to developing a new secondary battery for electric cars that can be fully recharged in less than a minute."

The research team, partly funded by the science ministry, also includes four doctoral students of the Ulsan university -- Lee Sang-han, Cho Yong-hyun, Song Hyun-kon and Lee Kyu-tae.

Their paper, titled "Carbon-Coated Single-Crystal LiMn2O4 Nanoparticle Clusters as Cathode Material for High-Energy and High-Power Lithium-Ion Batteries," was published earlier this month in the international edition of the weekly journal Angewandte Chemie.

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2012年4月28日 星期六

Will Apple TV Replace Our Cable Boxes?

Apple TV is a small, electronic black box that connects to your HD TV set to stream unlimited amounts of movies, music, documentaries and TV shows from iTunes software to your television. It is a very small item, almost the size of an iPhone box, that can easily be hooked up to your unit.

While Apple TV does not have a monthly service fee like cable or satellite TV, you must pay for every movie or TV show you stream. You can enjoy full seasons of your favorite shows, and you can even purchase season passes that alert you when a new episode is available for download. There is also a monthly fee for Netflix, and, of course, you need Internet access to make any purchase.

If you are spending about $100 per month on cable to get the channels you want in HD, you might be paying for a lot of channels that you do not want to watch. You are also forced to search through the mess of channels and re-runs to find the content that you actually want. What Apple TV is offering is a chance to choose exactly what you want to watch. Each program costs less than one dollar.

This means that you can practically build your own customized TV station, and own a collection of your favorite TV shows, available to watch at your leisure. If you want to control your budget, you can buy an iTunes card for $100. If you purchase a card every 3 or 4 months, you're saving money compared to what you would be paying for cable. Not only can you buy or rent specifically what you want to watch, but you are off the hook programming a DVR to record any show - and you get it commercial free as well.

With the innovations on the Internet market, cable operators worry about losing business as customers are starting to watch more and more TV content online. Many people find it much cheaper to buy season passes of the shows they want from Apple TV rather than pay for cable or satellite.
It all depends on how much TV they want to watch, and how much they can save if they did the switch. The process may be slow, and it may take the population some getting used to, but give it time, and you might really see it happen.
Do you have Apple TV? What are your thoughts? 

information from 1DigitalOnline